Posted: Mar 1 '21

How to Prepare for Your Air Conditioner Installation

Air Conditioner Installation

Deciding to have an air conditioner installation before the warmer weather hits the St. Albert area is a very smart decision. It helps you beat the rush for repairs and installations that happens as the temperatures rise. However, while we make the process as easy as possible for our customers, there is still a little work that needs to be done before the big day arrives. This preparation will ensure that your installation day will go smoother and you will get the most out of your new air conditioner. Contact us for more information.

Schedule Your Heating and Cooling Load Calculation 

One of the main goals of having a new air conditioner installation, other than cooling your home better, is to cool it more efficiently. An air conditioner that is more efficient will cost less to operate and help you realize a return on your investment sooner. But this is only possible if you have the right-sized equipment. 

A unit that is too small for your home will work too hard trying to keep it cool. It will use more electricity, run more often, and wear out faster than a correctly sized air conditioner. On the other hand, an air conditioner that is too big for your home will not be efficient either because it will be prone to short-cycling and making your home too cold. 

A heating and cooling load calculation considers the following factors: 

  • The size and structure of your home 
  • Your home’s roof and windows
  • The direction and location of your home
  • Using this information, our installation team can determine the most efficient and effective air conditioning unit for your home. 

Have Your Ductwork Cleaned and Sealed 

A chain is only as strong as its weakest link. Your investment in a new air conditioner installation might not pay off if your ductwork is dirty or in need of repair. We recommend that you have your HVAC ducts inspected and cleaned prior to your air conditioner installation. Having your ductwork cleaned will ensure that your new air conditioner will deliver cool and clean, healthy air throughout your home. 

Taking the further step of having your ductwork sealed will help make your HVAC system for efficient because leaks will be eliminated. Sealing also helps keep your system cleaner, thus ensuring optimal airflow for both your air conditioner and furnace

Make Room for the HVAC Installers to Work 

The team installing your new air conditioner is going to need plenty of room to work. While the area where the indoor components of your air conditioner might be small, you should make it as clear as possible. Make sure the team will have an easy pass to the area, both indoors and outdoors. Plan to have your pets secured for several hours so that they do not get in the way of the installers or inadvertently get loose as workers come in and out of your home. 

Make sure that the outdoor area where your new air conditioner condenser unit will be installed is cleared up as much as possible. Removing big sticks, leaves, and cutting away any vegetation that may have grown since the fall will help make it easier for the team to work. Remember to keep a clear path free of garden hoses, yard tools, or children’s toys to reduce the risk of workers tripping as they are installing your new unit. 

Your Air Conditioning Experts for Over 40 Years 

Since 1979, A-1 Heating & Cooling has been serving residents throughout the St. Albert area. We provide reliable repair service, maintenance, and furnace and air conditioner installations. If it is time to say goodbye to your old, inefficient air conditioner, give us a call to schedule your free estimate and get ready for the warmer days ahead. 

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